The Cooking Group is held once per week at our Grand Central Office and focuses on cooking basics such as kitchen safety and hygiene, reading a recipe, measuring, cutting, and working at the stove while also addressing social skills within the context of cooking and eating with a group. Participants will create and eat individual meals.
The class is held on Mondays from 1 pm - 2:15 pm.

The Baking Group is held once per week at our Grand Central Office and focuses on collaborative work. Participants will work together to create baked goods to be shared with residents of a nearby shelter. Games and other activities will be available during the downtime while items are baking.
The class is held on Mondays from 3 pm - 4 pm.

The Fitness Group is held weekly at Momentum Fitness, located on the Upper West Side. Workouts include group warm up and cool down, with individual and partner exercises in the interim. Strength, balance, and coordination are targeted.
The class is held on Thursdays from 3 pm - 4 pm.

The Office Skills Group is held twice weekly at our Grand Central Office and focuses on basics such as email use, word processing, printing, and filing while also addressing social skills within the context of office life. Participants are encourage to have lunch together after class in the office or cafeteria.
The class is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 am - 12 pm.

The Movement Group is held once per week at our studio on the Upper East Side. This comprehensive functional movement class begins with a warm-up, builds to partner-based strength training exercises, and ends with gentle yoga stretches and meditation.
The class is held on Thursdays from 4 pm - 5 pm.

NYLL Meetups are informal get-togethers for young adults with shared interests, such as movie screenings, museum visits, game nights, and walking tours. Special events are offered periodically to provide individuals with the opportunity and materials for gift-making and crafting.
Meetups and Special Events are scheduled throughout the year.